Please contact us with your inquiry or booking interest. Of course you can write us in English.


Coming from Regensburg
towards the city center, take the roundabout towards the train station - past the train station - turn into the parking garage at Ziegeltor.

Coming from Nuremberg and Bayreuth
towards the city center - past the VW center - next traffic light left - stay on this street - turn at the parking garage at Ziegeltor.

Coming from Weiden
towards the city center - Bayreuther Straße - turn at the parking garage at Ziegeltor.

24-hour ticket
There is a special parking offer for guests of the Allee Parkhotel Maximilian: You can park your car in the Ziegeltor parking garage, which is located under the hotel, and pay 2.50 euros for 24 hours. Guests have direct access to the hotel from the underground car park and can then take the elevator to their rooms.